102 definitions by HANNAH

Kick ass band that is awesome live! :)
See them live, ull know what im talking about!!
by HANNAH August 29, 2004
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1. word used to describe a unfortunate loser that can never be helped.

2. word used to describe an asshole.
1. ha! look at that damn jizz muffin.

2. fucking jizz muffin!
by HANNAH June 27, 2004
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To be apalled at something or someone as an entire nation. Used jokingly.
Joe:Man that test was hard!
Tim: I know man! Appallination!
by HANNAH April 4, 2005
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1. Extreme- Of the greatest possible degree of intensity.
2. Skip- To leap from one place to another in great leaps or bounds.
3. Extreme Skipping- Skipping to an extreme degree, expressing yourself, feeling intesity and flow of skipping, riding the world on skips, having a great time with your friends, chaos with no wheels, no excuses, energy and light coming together to form an extreme joyful bound.
1. Young Jim,"That math quiz was so extreme they asked us about calculus and I am only in 1st grade!"
2. Jenna, after winning the lottery, skipped around and bounded like she was a flippin bunny.
3. http://video.google.com /videoplay?docid= -61607212629 98450696&q =singing+asians That is extreme skipping in the making. Take out the space between = and - and the one between q and = and 9 and 9 and .com and /videoplay and you are there. Enjoy. Thank you.
by HANNAH June 19, 2006
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1. Extreme- Of the greatest possible degree of intensity.
2. Skip- To leap from one place to another in great leaps or bounds.
3. Extreme Skipping- Skipping to an extreme degree, expressing yourself, feeling intesity and flow of skipping, riding the world on skips, having a great time with your friends, chaos with no wheels, no excuses, energy and light coming together to form an extreme joyful bound.
1. Young Jim,"That math quiz was so extreme they asked us about calculus and I am only in 1st grade!"
2. Jenna, after winning the lottery, skipped around and bounded like she was a flippin bunny.
3. When these two words come together they make something that is larger than life. Try it, film it, live it. Just go out there and live your real dream of E.S. Go look it up on google videos if you need. Remember, Extreme Skipping is not what you do, it is what you are. Thanks!
by HANNAH June 19, 2006
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Used to describe someone who wears all the cool clothes and tries to talk cool and listen to cool muscic, but is still really a loser or nerd
Joanna: Look at the dummy over there in all the Dior!
Jane: Yeah i know. What a yopburger
by HANNAH April 5, 2005
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The skin on your elbows!!
the skin on your elbow!!
by HANNAH February 15, 2005
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