13 definitions by HABEEB

Little clumps of hair and fecal matter that reside in your rectal regions.
"Damn it, who left ass bunnies on the toilet seat?"
by HABEEB March 23, 2008
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Adj. Describes anything pertaining to a thug existence. Created completely on accident, and generaly used when talking about the Grand Theft Auto video game series.
Peep1: "Damn I just popped some caps in dem fools asses in GTA San Andreas fo' sho'!!1"
Peep2: "Wow, thats some hardcore thugery right there man..."
by HABEEB December 22, 2006
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Yea, we got home last night n' did the bone dance.
by HABEEB June 27, 2006
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A sexual term, closely related to the angry unicorn.

It requires one person to strap two dildos to his/her head, one smaller than the other, while partner spreads her legs wide. Person with dildos strapped to head (rhinoceros) charges headfirst angrily into the receivers vagina and anus.
My girl wanted to go on a safari, but I told that bitch it's too expensive, and instead gave her the Angry Rhinoceros. Although now she can't walk right, it was quite cost effective.
by HABEEB August 29, 2007
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Perhaps the best, and possibly the worst movie of all time.

In the film, and odd water-based disease runs rampid, making Cabin Fever look and feel like a horror film.

The movie includes everything a good movie should have... sex, violence, nudity, racial discrimination, and nasty death shots.

This movie also includes everything the worst movie in the world has... Typical teen cliches, a full half hour of boringness, and stupid plot.

released in 2002, it was immediately hated by most, and loved by many.

so lame.
Wow Cabin Fever was the worst film I have ever seen...ever... lets go see it again!
by HABEEB May 5, 2006
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That kind of feeling you get after eating a little too much pudding.
Gee Garrett, that massive bowl of pudding made me pretty pudding sick.
by HABEEB January 31, 2008
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A large jumble of utter bullshit that doesn't make any sense.

Coined by a struggling calculus student while watching the teacher solve a second derivative problem.

It is used when looking at calculus or physics homework, or when looking at a horrible drawing.
"Let me see your calc homework mate...
oh man nevermind, that's a complete mess of shit."

"greg that drawing of garrett is a mess of shit."
by HABEEB October 1, 2007
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