968 definitions by Gumba Gumba

1) The person legally the propreitor of.

2) One who owns the other.
I am the owner of a large penis.

I am the owner of your small penis.
by Gumba Gumba April 12, 2004
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1995 DOOM clone, used for the finals of some doom competition held by microsoft that year.
Hexen was sooooo better than Quake.
by Gumba Gumba May 26, 2004
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Fiat Panda, box-like small car produced in the 80's and 90's. Known for its inability to wishstand even moderate damage without being written off. Also known as the Fiat Marbella.
I put my briefcase of the roof of the panda and it caved in.
by Gumba Gumba March 3, 2004
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An odd Mike Myers movie with three different endings. It is based around a struggling Heavy Metal Cable show of the same name, and Aerosmith concerts, especially the sequel.
Wayne's world, Wayne's world! Party Time, excellent!
by Gumba Gumba March 3, 2004
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Term used by the British army- short for reconnaissance. To survey the area. To become familiar with ones' surroundings.
Go over that hill and do a reccy for us, eh son?
by Gumba Gumba February 25, 2004
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(n.) information that prying parties should not know
What you talking about?

invasion of the booty snatchers

few posts down in the thread by "a person on gametalk", yuki posted the ending of the little mermaid without clearing stating ti was a spoiler. I've only seen the disney version and she has completely ruined the dramatic ending of non-disney versions. I request that her reply be deleted before someone else finds this out and dosent watch other versions because they know the ending, meaning small companies are left without revenue, so disney gets a little mermaid monopoly. No, this is not a joke. Don't expect a reply because I also get that white screen thingy (with the proxies I've tested so far, anyway). k thanks.
by Gumba Gumba May 23, 2004
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A cramped, dirty little shithole of an airport. Terminals two and four should be bulldozed.
Heathrow is probably the worst airport I've ever been to. I'll go back to Gatwick or Stanstead.
by Gumba Gumba July 12, 2004
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