22 definitions by Girls ❤️ shafts

A cheesy film that is more comedic than horrifying. Characters are boring or annoying, effects and screenwriting was utterly crap, and acting was subpar. Girl presses her cheeks against the window that has a dead corpse right in front of her screaming without moving, shark is still chasing skiers despite being less than a foot away, grenade explodes a thirty foot shark underwater, the shark breaks a control room window with just one pinch and gets stuck for some odd reason, technician was just treading water like he wanted to be eaten by the shark knowing the shark was there and was breathing under water when bitten like chips, Fitzroyce slides into a sharks mouth, gets crushed like a pancake to death without dropping the grenade in his hand that killed the shark eventually and feeling the sharks teeth despite still being in the sharks mouth and getting crushed. It is a movie that should not be playing on television or be sold.
Teacher: So what do you make of Jaws 3D

Students: It’s trash

Jaws 3D, a flawed film with a bad plot, bad screenwriting, and bad acting. The effects were unrealistic as well.
by Girls ❤️ shafts March 7, 2022
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A social science subject/major devoid of any intrigue or substance. It’s basically the insular version of Anthropology, the subversive version of History, and a shit fit version of psychology since it is a paroxysm of tantrums by radical commies or useful idiots who believe everyone who disagrees with them politically is a pressing social issue
Did you study sociology?



Because sociology is the study of what most people already know. It just takes experience and going outside to decipher it.
by Girls ❤️ shafts June 7, 2022
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A shitty social science major for pseudo-intellectuals whose mindset consists of what they hear and parrot from CNN and MSNBC all day and tools who think they are all that because they take sociological statistics which is nothing but a class that involves quantifying behavior and interactions using arbitrary number of policies needed to combat the number of societal issues. Basically the study of society, learning sociology and thinking from a sociological perspective is something anyone can do without having to take a class or have a degree. It’s a BS major that has made society worse than ever before and like every social sciences with the exception of economics, it should not involve statistics because the social world is variable. Sociology is the functionalist and insular version of anthropology, the mischief-maker version of psychology, and the subversive version of History.
Should I major in Sociology?

If you want to get midterm questions like who was responsible for the KKK movement? Then sociology is the perfect choice.

A. Conservatives

B. Republicans

C. Everyone who disagrees with a Liberal

D. All of the above
by Girls ❤️ shafts June 6, 2022
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Blue-penciled Blue-Anon for telling the truth but was unsurprising since they are fascist and totalitarian Democraps who hate accountability. Because they love to victimize like a stereotypical Democrat, they are woebegone, mental, and melodramatic hypocrites and CCP aficionados.
Donald: What is Urban Dictionary?

Me: A website where one is supposed to mollycoddle the Democrats by not rebuking them.
by Girls ❤️ shafts March 8, 2021
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Unlike an argument, a battle designed to be comical, racy, and being savage to one another until someone can’t come up with nothing.
Aaron: What is a rap battle?

Me: A game that some think it is similar to an argument, but is completely different. A rap battle is mainly comical, racy and one is supposed to commit savagery to win whereas an argument is losing when retaliating.
by Girls ❤️ shafts October 5, 2019
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A state where the girls are hot but bitchy, expensive housing, reserved individuals who make an excuse not to socialize, and plagued with high taxes, and turn signals are taken for granted.
Morgan: How would you describe California?

Me: Full Of crap
Morgan: Why?

Me: Too expensive, bitchy women, bad job market, and drivers drive like they don’t have hands to utilize their turn signals.
by Girls ❤️ shafts September 30, 2019
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A piece of shit song that has over 5 billion views. The lyrics are perverted as fuck and approximately 90% of the viewers don’t know what it means because they rather listen to spontaneously and lyrically shitty songs and lose 50% of their IQ points. It is nothing but a song about sex and cancer to your ears.
Aaron: Hey have you every heard of Despacito?

Me: That song by Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee?

Aaron: Yeah!

Me: Yeah it is cancer to my ears.
by Girls ❤️ shafts April 23, 2018
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