97 definitions by Gerard Irick

to care for someone while remaining unsympathetic and being strict
Children need tough love today in order to become productive members of society.
by Gerard Irick December 24, 2009
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is when someone wants somebody to feel sorry for them
Sometimes looking for a pity party makes you feel worse.
by Gerard Irick June 4, 2010
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someone who exaggerates or emphasize their emotions
Diane is a real drama queen she can make a mountain out of a mole hill.
by Gerard Irick August 26, 2009
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is when someone make a quick intellectual remark relevant to a situation
by Gerard Irick July 28, 2009
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a phrase used when working with another & their performance is making you work harder
Frank you're killing me lift up your side of the table.
by Gerard Irick September 3, 2011
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It will be a drag if you have to go all the home to get your ID and we're already here.
by Gerard Irick March 23, 2010
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to show inflexibility
Sharon is very picky when it comes to food.
by Gerard Irick March 26, 2010
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