26 definitions by GIRL

1. A crappy message board where wannabe LUE2sers go and post links. Most links include porn, which luelinks' 11 year old members try to maturbate but cant because they cant get an erection

2. A bad fuck
1. LLmember: Im 11 and i like pr0n
NormalPerson: Go to LL, its where all the gay porn is at
LLmember: OMFGWTFBBQCHICKEN 7|-|15 |=|_|C|C1|\| R0x0rz mah b0x0rz LOLOMGWTF

2. You cant get a bonar, you pulled a luelinks on me!
by GIRL March 10, 2005
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1. The essence of a man is what gets him the pussy
2. The essence of man is the crucial element or the most important ingredient.
Jono's essence of man is at a very high level, no wonder he always gets the women.
by GIRL October 12, 2004
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reset is such a cool guy, he's niiiice and sweeeeeeet
by GIRL June 4, 2003
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"omg dan, we are such nXc"
by GIRL September 23, 2003
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A member of the group the Laus. The laus are a group opposed to science lessons (especially those taught by Mr Roper). A lau is intelligent and extremely kewl but prefers arty subjects (art/drama) to factual subjects (science/maths). The name lau comes from the maiden name of lau 2's mother.
Lau 2: My mum's maiden name was Lau
Lau 1: Really? that's such a kewl name! I want to be a lau
by GIRL February 23, 2005
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