34 definitions by Fox

A term used to refer to a mark which is not really a line, but merely a meandering trail.

A squiggle puritin will not consider multiple disconnected marks or a mark in which the path crosses itself as squiggles.
"He drew a squiggle on my head."
by Fox April 16, 2005
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A guy who has many different distinct personalities and acts different in different circumstances.

Some are like chameleons, choosing to fit in with their surroundings. (ie. intellectual in a library) Others choose to stand out as much as possible.
My boyfriend is a modular man. He may have seemed obnoxious at the party, but when we're alone he's really very romantic.
by Fox July 15, 2005
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The act of standing on a keep battlement like an idiot and getting zerged by five minstrels.
I h8 aeneasx
by Fox October 10, 2003
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Disease in which one's penis falls off.
Did you see that guy? He has a severe case of Ghaletul
by Fox June 12, 2003
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1. A wrinkle that occurs on a girl's nipple, and should be avioded. Run if you see one, they are signs of necrophilia
1. Oh my, she has a nipple wrinkle, and she humps dead people.

2. How sexy, she has a nipple wrinkle
by Fox January 20, 2005
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