14 definitions by Finalpoet

Just another way to say midget. A way they hate.
1) You see those little people.

2) Don't call them that. You idiot!
by Finalpoet June 19, 2018
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The puzzle everyone thinks is impossible to solve... but with a good YouTube video it becomes very easy.
P1: I can never solve the Rubik's Cube.

P2: Have you checked YouTube?
P1: No.
by Finalpoet January 31, 2019
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A useful website for slang you don't know. But it now only has old definitions and so it's lost all of it's humor.
by Finalpoet May 27, 2019
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P1: I love her.
P2; So you know her very well? All her dislikes, her likes. You have realized that she's important to your life? You must deeply care about her too?
P1: No. We just met today.
P2: ......
by Finalpoet June 15, 2019
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A person everyone hates. Especially their coworkers.
I was thinking of assassinating that politician but his coworker did it first.
by Finalpoet January 28, 2019
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The word all Christians hate and this will only become a definition if I'm lucky enough to not have a Christian read it.
P1: Goddamn mother fucking sluts all getting fucked up the ass with massive cocks.
P2: Please don't say that G word around me, the rest was fine tho.
by Finalpoet January 31, 2019
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