66 definitions by Fijjuggsgjijhhyggggg-about it

German origin, what happens to your stuff when you throw up on it: use paper for best results
I'm sorry friend, i'm just not feeling well tonight. I've got alot going on as usual and I think I ate some bad random chicken. In any case, your weekly data usage reports for tomorrow's presentations have become vomitten. Sorry, I'm gonna throw up.
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When demands are just too large and you ask for an accommodation, to meet “halfway
Come on dude, you’re asking for too many hours of sitting and waiting for quadratic, random chickens. Can’t you meet me at the halfway? Don’t get me wrong, those juicy chickens are always worth the wait and I love quadratic equations, I do them every day but I can’t be a lamper. ;)
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Also known as BKD, is a disease-not covered by insurance- that is marked involuntary behaviors that drive the individual to accuse another of the very same thing the individual is guilty of. Exacerbations of disease include psychological projection and hypocrisy, which are difficult to treat.
D has Black Kettle Disorder, he loves to externalize blame about the exact same thing he is guilty of . Unfortunately, the only available treatment we have for BKD is a very effective suppository called "MyFootInYourAssinol". So I think his prognosis is excellent.
by Fijjuggsgjijhhyggggg-about it September 15, 2020
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enough cocaine to make you a stupid-ass motherfucker to make deplorable decision like shutting down a government for a stupid immigration wall
how much you want, son?

I want a trump bump! Annihilate my brain; I wanna be a pineapple!
by Fijjuggsgjijhhyggggg-about it February 8, 2019
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When your office mate has a reactive condition to everything and makes you wear old, dirty shirts so her symptoms aren't exaggerated by your toxic laundry cleaners, which she attempts to replace with non-toxic, cruelty free drier sheets made with mushroom-based, woven fibers and chamomile tea. Her escalations includes: spitting up in her mouth, dizziness, itchiness, bitchiness, accusatory statements of microwave abuse, fiber discrimination, strawberry bashing and long conversations with air filter suppliers in the Philippines. Only to be followed by vaccination indictments and promises that you will die of cancer.
Shut the hell up Karen.
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