21 definitions by Femalesheep

Finito or done. Like, the best you have EVER had. Really? It was that good? Like over before it even started. Need say no more. One and done? Any takers?
He Finished her.
by Femalesheep June 15, 2014
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Finito or done. Like, the best you have EVER had. Really? It was that good? Like over before it even started. Need say no more. One and done? Any takers?
He Finished her.
by Femalesheep June 15, 2014
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Another word for girthy. Short, fat and wide. A beautiful cock.
Damn, trust me girl, you want to experience a girfy man.
by Femalesheep June 13, 2014
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Really? Are you sure. What people should say to their paramour when the relationship is unhealthy. You know the kind. When you can't stop breaking up. John Legend's "Ordinary People" song before he wrote the song that just might save a life. "All of Me" is not "no more." But, sometimes when it feels like the movies or "too good to be true" people say "no more." Like Ahhhhhh. Please don't say it if it feels like the movies. Ask me or Katy Perry. Feeling like a fairytale or movie is a very good thing.
No more. Oh no, did I just say that? I didn't mean to; really. I take it back. You are amazing. You can have ALL OF ME instead.
by Femalesheep June 15, 2014
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Is this a good word? I'm thinking it might be in regards to sex and our so called "needs." Want or need. Both. Any thoughts? Are you smiling yet? Regular sex makes people happy. Right? I'm not saying being a regular person in general terms is good. Anomalous is way better. If your are an anomaly, chances are you are also a regular person too.
She or he is regular in the bedroom department. I'm jealous.
by Femalesheep June 15, 2014
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Like, I almost stayed with you forever. Then, you fucked it all up.

D O N E.
Honey, he is a "i was gonna." Say goodbye like yesterday.
by Femalesheep June 17, 2014
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or not? like science says speed dating works. the first six to eight minutes with a person could determine your destiny. is there a connection? sexual? friendship? spiritual? if you take the chance and connect with someone you and this person could fucking take on the world. Aka, Tinder or Grinder. You might want to try to "connect" with somebody. That somebody could turn into your forever.
Do you dare connect?
by Femalesheep June 17, 2014
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