9 definitions by Extreme

1. When something is far out, it is said to be extreme.

2. Catch phrase of Xtream Camera Man Wally Simons.
This is gonna be X-T-REME!
by Extreme June 19, 2004
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1)of or relating to "awesomeness." "radness" and "coolness" often used by white boys

2)Red neck quality for being too white
Budweiser and MGD are extreme beers.

Stone Cold Steve Auston is very extreme while Tupac Shakur is not extreme.
by Extreme March 9, 2005
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Device which can move an object through space and time.
I want that Chronosphere
by Extreme June 19, 2004
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One of the best person I know. She's thoughtfull, helpfull, and lovely.
Do u know awdria
by Extreme January 5, 2018
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n. Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV)

Deploys into a Construction Yard, which contains the equipment for building temporary military structures.
by Extreme June 19, 2004
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One of the greatest bands ever to exist in the History of Rock Music, hitting the music seen with their debut album 'Brown Sabbath', Deja Voodoo shot up the charts with hits like 'Beers', and 'More Beers', 'P' and the famous 'We are Deja Voodoo'.

From the most awesome country in the entire world, no other then New Zealand, Deja Voodoo have mass an impressive number of fans, even a few from the backward south island.

With a new album coming out in June, Deja Voodoo is set to become the best band in the world ever.

Also, one loyal fan, by the name of Extreme, should be noted, cause he's awesome.
We are Deja Voodoo
We rock more then you do
Who rocks more then you do
Deja Voodoo do
by Extreme March 12, 2005
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