32 definitions by Esa4

You had sex or raped your own daughter. Congratulations, you're a father, once removed. It's also possible to be someone's father twice removed, but would you want to rape your own granddaughter, who is also your daughter ??
Mr. Gustafson is like a father to his grand children. Oh wait, Mr. Gustafson is their father... father once removed !
by Esa4 February 2, 2021
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Bob talked to us about some old road, oh yeah, she knew best how to treat a man!
by Esa4 September 7, 2019
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A regular sweet guy walking in the street. However, a woman does not know that he's a regular sweet guy since he's a stranger, so it's best to assume he's out to rape you.

A woman walking alone in the streets cannot determine whether an approaching man is an intending rapist or not until the encounter has reached its conclusion, so it logically follows that every man is both a rapist and not a rapist at the same time.
Rape center, hello, it's about a Schroedinger's rapist. He both has both raped me and not raped me! And he's also a very sweet guy and not a very sweet guy.
by Esa4 September 5, 2019
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The sustained and dedicated effort of maintaining a state of sucking no matter what.
That Insane Clow Posse gig, remember? Sheesh, that were shitsuckery from beginning to end
by Esa4 September 13, 2019
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The OBVIOUS way for everyone to spell splendid, stuped!
Our trip last year to Yemen was fine, someone would say splendud!
by Esa4 September 14, 2019
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