5 definitions by El Heje

1. To remove or eliminate crap or shit from a system, in particular, a dysfunctional department or bureaucratic organization.

2. To "cut-through" a bureaucratic shit storm and accomplish a task.

related words: excrapolation, excrapolator
Dilbert said "To improve the constipated decision-making at our oversized and bloated department, we must excrapolate the wasteful practices!!"

The new employee said, "There are so many policies and procedures in this friggin' department, only an experienced excrapolator can get anything done!!"

by El Heje February 18, 2006
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1. a psychotic desire to save money at the expense of basic needs, including people.

2. A deranged fixation on the bottomline caused by corporate brain damage. Typically an irreversible condition.

3. Poor decision making caused by a myopic focus on the bottom line.
I heard that your boss has amazing psychofinancial abilities and is renowned for his ability to clean house and reduce head count!

My boss stated that the recent budget cuts were part of his psychofinancial vision for the department!!
by El Heje September 14, 2007
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someone that creates unnecessary or unproductive work or stress (that is, “churn”); 2) a person responsible for inducing wide-spread distraction, especially in an organization. Synonyms: crisis generator, crisis architect, chucklehead.
“My new co-worker a bona fide churnerator; he is very proficient at identifying hypothetical problems, magnifying their importance, and proposing expensive solutions to fix them.”
by El Heje December 6, 2009
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someone that hates the New England Patriot football team
As a hatetriot, it is my duty to root against Belicheck, Brady and the rest of those cheatin bastids.
by El Heje January 23, 2015
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The fear, anxiety and heavy-sweating associated with thoughts of spending large sums of money.
When pondering his monthly budget, the dude had an episode of costrophobia!
by El Heje October 15, 2015
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