32 definitions by E - FUMBLER

Inane twitter text composed by an idiotic


What utter drivel all this twittertwatter is. !
by E - FUMBLER October 23, 2008
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sexual intercourse between transvestites .
Wow - they say seeing is believing ! .

Yep - that,s " full blown "

transintercourse - thats for sure !!! .
by E - FUMBLER January 24, 2009
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That mean dude - them remarks is

really crude -diablogical - if you

ask me ! .
by E - FUMBLER September 25, 2008
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Prompted by an outbreak of resolution rush !
Look there are no smokers hanging out
around the staff entrance today ! .

Yep - Sure sign of an outbreak of annual
resolution rash ! .
by E - FUMBLER January 9, 2009
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The enigmatic ability of a Rock Superstar

to wear ostentatious attire whilst

performing live on stage - yet look

cooler than cool in the process .

(Aka Tom Petty - Live Aid Concert - Phd .)

Jeez -look at that whacky outfit Tom,s

wearing man - Far out ! .

Yep ,sure is a coolpetty dude ! .
by E - FUMBLER January 22, 2009
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Dire textual content included within the confines of a blog .
Have you seen this fucking crap ? .
That,s the biggest load of bollogs I think I,ve ever read ! .

by E - FUMBLER October 20, 2008
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The ( usually ) superfluous textual

content on a twitter note .
Had a really great day out shopping -

went to A&F in the morning.... guess

who I saw there....

twitty twitty chitchat
by E - FUMBLER October 24, 2008
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