43 definitions by Dragonlady58

Hickhop (hik-hop) is a genre of music unique the Hoodbilly (and Hoodbetty) species. It is a fusion of rock, metal, hip hop, country, bluegrass and rap. It was born of the Hoodbilly being unable turn off a radio or to change the station because their genetic inability to use tools. Their love of music compels them to steal any radios they come across when they are playing music. This creates nests that usually have several radios playing loudly on different stations at the same time. Hoodbilly, not understanding the concept of separate radios and different stations believes the music to one song and mimicked what they hear through song and dance. Hickhop is a musical fusion that is a confusing, nonsensical, irritating genre that repels the opposable thumb set.
Oh GOD! Could you please stop with the hickhop. It is making me homicidal!
by Dragonlady58 January 19, 2021
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A crazy schizophrenic female who paints her face with bright colors, uses her lipstick to super enlarge her lips, puts green glitter eye shadow on one eye and blue glitter on the other, has one false eyelash falling off, the other is in her pocket, sports a sequined top small enough to fit a toddler, tears her fishnet hose, stumbles around on fuck me pumps three sizes too small, twirls around in catholic school girl skirt so short you can see her pussy and the whole back of her butt, clenches a cigarette between her rotting front teeth while attempting to straighten the falling ratty hot pink wig she put on backwards. She usually carries some sort of meth pipe, and wine in can, steals cigarette butts from your ashtray, smells like dirty panties, old sweat and stale perfume. She falls down a lot and falls suddenly asleep alot.
Are you really leaving with that skankadelic?
by Dragonlady58 December 5, 2020
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Craptastical - (crap-tas-tee-cul) a combination of the words crap, fantastic and spectacle. It is used sarcastically in a negative way. It is generally used to describe a failed, tacky or highly distasteful event, affair or gathering.
OMG! her birthday party was truly a craptastacle affair
by Dragonlady58 December 13, 2020
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Cheeseman (chee-z ma-an) noun

This word is generally used to describe an insincer, cheesy shyster. A greasy kinda guy with a used car salesman vibe.
OMG don't fall for that. He is Cheeseman!
by Dragonlady58 December 31, 2021
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Describes the state of a person cannot learn to speak, read, or write or understand the Ebonics Language.
Patient: Dr. Crakerjack when I find myself traversing through the underserved areas of our fair city I find myself unable to understand or to verbally communicate with the natives indicative to these communities.

Doctor: Whitey don't be alarmed, Perhaps it is nothing, but I suspect you might be EBONICALLY IMPAIRED. Let's get you checked into the hospital and run some test though before we panic.
by Dragonlady58 December 6, 2020
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Lingo impaired
To be limited in your ability or to be completely unable to speak, understand or write in the linguistic stylings of other peoples and cultures.
To be ebonically handicapped is to be lingo impaired.
by Dragonlady58 December 12, 2020
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Corndogger (ka-orn daug-er) a male who relentlessly pursues you with corny romantic tactics.
Poor Shay-Shay keeps getting calls from that corndogger Wayne.
by Dragonlady58 December 31, 2021
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