19 definitions by DrJonas

affectionate abbreviation for our beloved Urban Dictionary.
Mr A: are you on The Urbs right now?
Dr B: damn right!
by DrJonas March 15, 2007
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Unlike compulsive viewing, this is a TV program or series that causes convulsions of the stomach, or full body. This could be a food program that has gone horrendously wrong, or any form of epilepsy-inducing imagery.
Mr A: "Did you catch that Japanese flashing robot cartoon cookery show last night?"
Dr B: "Yes, but sadly it gave me seizures and the food made me vomit... That's what I call convulsive viewing."
by DrJonas February 6, 2010
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1. To be slapped in the face with a fish and a Snickers bar simultaneously, ideally one on either cheek.

2. To have a smelly downstairs area if you are a lady.
1. "Ow my beautiful face! I can't believe you just fishnickered me!"

2. "Sorry about the smell lads, I'm pretty fishnickered today."
by DrJonas February 1, 2010
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slang term for one pound sterling, currency of the UK.
Mr A: that's an interesting hat you're wearing...
Dr B: thanks, only cost me two benk.
by DrJonas March 26, 2007
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An erection (or boner) achieved whilst watching inappropriate or even non-sexual material, such as scenes featuring:

1. Incest
2. Children
3. People dressed as manatees
4. Cartoon characters
5. etc.
"I got such a wrong boner watching..."

1. The sex scene in Oldboy
2. Natalie Portman in Leon
3. Manatee porn
4. A pixelated Sonic The Hedgehog with porn sounds added on YouTube
5. A picture of a shoe
by DrJonas February 4, 2010
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SMSTD or S.M.S.T.D. abbr.

1. noun. Short Message Service Transmitted Disease: a text message of a comical sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia.
2. verb. to send a textually transmitted disease over a mobile phone.
I spent my office hours SMSTDing syphilis to everyone in my address book. not many people found it as funny as i did.
by DrJonas December 11, 2006
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the section of your MSN messenger contact list used for people you don't really want to talk to, or you would generally ignore, but are too polite to delete. the category can be anything beginning with the letter 'Z', as it will then appear below all the other categories.
my Z list is almost as long as my friends section!
by DrJonas January 17, 2007
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