9 definitions by Dickie Bundle

Basically, the King of Shit; a person who is a douchebag, dumbass, asshole, shithead, etc.
You, Sir, are The Earl of Duke.
by Dickie Bundle May 26, 2010
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A Public Display of Gayness, or gay affection. A variation of P. D. A (Public Display of Affection),
That guy is rubbing that other guy's back in front of that restaurant... wait, now they're making out, it's a full on P. D. Gay!
by Dickie Bundle July 26, 2010
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Government of liars. Rule by the dishonest. What we basically have in the US today. All politicians are corrupt and full of shit. They will say anything to the public to get elected, and do the opposite once elected. If they tell the truth, it is only accidental. They serve only moneyed interests, but never mention this fact.
Obama promised to get us out of two wars, pass meaningful health care reform, take care of "main street," and "bring change to America." No dice. He is just another member of the liarocracy.
by Dickie Bundle October 18, 2010
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The opposite of love at first site. When you see someone and you just instantly hate them for no real reason. It goes beyond the superficial qualities they might have, you just know in your soul that they are rotten and 100% hateful. This can happen in many cases because a lot of people just look like assholes, and you can easily tell they are insufferable in many ways: boring, tedious, obnoxious, selfish, grating, conceited, power tripping, egotistic, rude, oblivious, etc.
Q: How's your new job?

A: They transferred in a new boss and I have to say I had a case of hate at first site.
by Dickie Bundle October 10, 2010
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1. Acronym: FSS. At the beaches in Chicago on Lake Michigan, Fecal Shock Syndrome is the result of encountering multiple soiled diapers on the beach or in the water. Symptoms include disgust, repulsion, running to get away, and later a sense of general contamination and (possibly psychosomatic) itching and general discomfort. Many people of a certain socioeconomic group in Chicago feel this is perfectly OK: baby poops, remove diaper and toss it on the beach.

2. Any instance where you see feces and it clearly does not belong there.
1. I dove in off the rocks at Montrose beach and saw three diapers floating in the water. Fecal Shock Syndrome set in immediately. I went home ant took a 30 minute shower.

2. I had fecal shock syndrome after someone shit between the dumpsters in the alley behind my apartment.
by Dickie Bundle September 12, 2012
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Torpor and malaise caused by eating large quantities of meat.
At the barbeque I ate a slab of ribs, a burger, two hot dogs and four pieces of fried chicken. I can't get out of this chair: I am suffering from Meat Exhaustion!
by Dickie Bundle March 4, 2012
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