9 definitions by Dedraterdater

The fear of creating deep, long lasting interpersonal relationships or having a tightknit group of close friends (the homies).
Some people call me a loner but I really just suffer from acute homiephobia.
by Dedraterdater February 7, 2023
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Insesent whining, often compared to a squeaky hinge. To whine like a hinge is to whinge.
Quit your whinging gran, I know most of your hinge joints are shot but there's no use making the rest of us suffer their wrath aswell. My grans whinge is a terrible sound.
by Dedraterdater April 10, 2023
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An extremely confusing, overwhelming and unpredictable scenario which has no easily conceivable succession of events or logical end. Another name for a bad trip.
When faced with a big lebowski it's best to just kick back and enjoy the ride. Be like the dude and abide. Peace.
by Dedraterdater April 10, 2023
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1.)Your mind when it is at risk of boiling over with seemingly infinte quantities of genius ideas.

To mere mortals these ideas may seem incomprehensible and "stewpit".

2.)A moshpit that is moving in a circular motion and is about to boil over with the hot sweat of countless roving bodies.
1.) When I smoked that J a billion brilliant ideas flooded my mind. The waters of the flood soon began to boil as the unbridled energy of countless unborn ideas stoked the fires of my mind. My mind was a real stew-pitt.

2.) The stew-pitt was so hot and wet I felt as if I was about to be boiled alive.
by Dedraterdater February 8, 2023
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Special instrument used by Tony Levin of the progressive rockband, King Crimson. Instead of making you jump higher it gets the entire crowd moving up and down and all around and gets them higher.Also called the Chapman stick.
"the Parisien pogo stick rears its stiff, powerful neck and I stand to attention, erect and alert, ready to spring at what comes next."
by Dedraterdater April 10, 2023
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Someone with a passion for cocaine. Almost like an addict but knows when to stop. Knows all there is to know about cocaine.
Guy1: That guy Bindoff is completely fucking insane, he uses cocaine before bed to help him sleep.

Guy2: Typical fucking cocaisseur.
by Dedraterdater February 8, 2023
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A rare form of fomo whereby the fear of missing out is so great it causes the person to say yes to every scenario or situation they are aske to participate in. If not delt with the sufferer will sooner or later become severely depressed and burnt out as they cannot fulfill all the experiences they would like to I.e. What they were currently doing and the situation they were asked to participate in.
Person 1:Hey do you remember Ginny down from second street? She used to be the life of every party in town and then some. She never said no to anything. I heard she hardly leaves home though these days.

Person 2:Yes, worst case of fomophobia I've ever seen. Never said no until she was physically unable to say yes.
by Dedraterdater February 9, 2023
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