6 definitions by Deathzilla7

the second positive number
the number of people it takes to make a baby
1) 1,(2),3...
2) egg+sperm=baby
by Deathzilla7 March 27, 2008
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as a matter of fact

used for online gaming (specifically runescape cuz i made it up and thats wut i plays!)
dude 1: hey u wouldnt happen to have an abby whip for sale would u? ill buy 1.8m!!!!

dude 2: aamof i do! *trades*

dude 1: tyvvm!!!

dude 2: idiot they only worth 1.1m!
by Deathzilla7 December 24, 2007
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Slanguage is the slang form of any language.

Can also mean a made-up slang word that no one understands.
Person 1: Hey that was sick!
Person 2: How was it sick? I find nothing sick with what I just did...
Person 1: No... "sick" can also mean "cool." Don't be so technical, and learn some slanguage, man!


Person 1: That was spawecoolerificness!
Person 2: Shut up with your made-up slanguage, idiot!
by Deathzilla7 August 25, 2009
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fall down on floor laughing like a psycho maniac!

used in online games esp. RuneScape
dude1: yo wassup? *ignoring the fact that dude2 is firemaking*

dude2: fdofllapm!!! are u THAT oblivious?!?! rofl!
by Deathzilla7 December 24, 2007
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roll on floor laughing my ass off pissing myself!

used in online adventure games esp. RuneScape
funny guy: i just got KO'd in bouny hunter with an invo full of cabbages!

random dude: roflmaopm!!!
by Deathzilla7 January 13, 2008
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stick figure:
1)the greatest creation of humankind!
2)the most simple yet extravagant form of entertainment used in many youtube/stickpage/newgrounds movies
-----/ \
2)ever seen "Stick Figures on Crack 1/2/3"
-----/ \
by Deathzilla7 March 19, 2008
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