4 definitions by David "Can Do" Kennedy

A hogwash is a trip to the restroom lasting for upwards of four to six hours. Usually larger people experience hogwash more often than smaller folk.
Our woodshop teacher has been out for a whole week and we have that really old really dumb substitute. Man, that was one long hogwash!
by David "Can Do" Kennedy July 13, 2006
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An "ebonics" term reffering to taking one's clothes off in preparation for "explicit activities".
by David "Can Do" Kennedy July 14, 2006
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A sort of cuss phrase that stems from the song of the same name sung by Carrie Underwood.
Dude! Jimmy just took my cheese sticks! Jesus take the wheel! I hate that kid!
by David "Can Do" Kennedy July 11, 2006
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A song that was redone by Christina Aguilera, Li'l Kim, Pink, and Mya for the movie Moulin Rouge. The video for the song was apparently supposed to be sexy and provocative, but truthfully they all just looked like slutty French clowns.
Did you see that Lady Marmalade video? HAHAHAHAHA! It was hillarious! I couldn't stop laughing!
by David "Can Do" Kennedy July 14, 2006
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