23 definitions by Darkness Prime

The most badass Tyrannosaurus Rex ever. Eats a lawyer, kills raptors, kicks the Indominus Rex's ass, eats an awful business man, and owns a Giganotosaurus. No other T. rex can really compare to how awesome she truly is. Give it up for the queen of the Jurassic fillms.
Rexy appeared to be down for the count against the Giganotosaurus, but outsmarted him in the end. Yay!
by Darkness Prime January 25, 2023
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One of the worst Mortal Kombat characters ever created, tries to copy Kano and fails miserably. Gets his ass owned by Jax in MKDA.
Do I REALLY need to explain any further? It's Hsu Hao, end of discussion.
by Darkness Prime January 25, 2023
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The GOP’s equivalent of Starscream, but without the silver tongue. They’d both literally do ANYTHING to become the head of their faction, no matter how foolish.
Kevin McCarthy would’ve sold his family to get the Speakership. Exactly the sort of thing Starscream would do. Both are constantly trying to gain power and fail multiple times before pulling it off. At least Starscream has his silver tongue.
by Darkness Prime January 26, 2023
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Has anyone not seen the connections? Marjorie Taylor Greene and Bellatrix Lestrange are both VERY loyal to a deranged man, would do anything for said man, and are somehow even crazier than the man they worship. Difference is the real world has misfortune of being stuck with one of them.
by Darkness Prime January 26, 2023
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That one guy from Beast Wars that gets constantly destroyed, yet KEEPS COMING BACK.
Waspinator: Why universe hate Waspinator?
by Darkness Prime January 26, 2023
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Bacardi Dragonberry + Sprite + Mountain Dew Voltage

In a 12 oz glass, pour in the following…

1) 1.5 oz Bacardi Dragonberry

2) 4.5 oz Sprite

3) 6 oz Mt. Dew Voltage

Ice is not needed, but adjust the above combination to fit the amount of ice.

Stir up and serve promptly. I promise, this will taste amazing. Named after a dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh.
I got wasted drinking way too many Luster Dragons last night.
by Darkness Prime February 11, 2023
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A character from 90's Transformers series, Beast Wars. Tigatron was the first of the stasis pods to land on the planet where the Maximals and Predacons were battling. Despite the Preds having two flyers AND incapacitating Optimus Primal long enough to prevent him from reaching the pod first, Dinobot beamed instructions to the pod, allowing it to scan for beast mode. Though Megatron seemed to have won (by getting the Maximals to surrender the pod to save two white tigers that Megatron was about to kill), the pod was empty. This led to a classic moment...

Megatron: Where is the Maximal?

Tigatron (Off-screen): Right here!

Surprise! One of those tigers Megatron threatened was no other than Tigatron himself! After sending Megatron runningg, Tigatron would become a vital member of the Maximals; a powerful scout, warrior, and lover of nature. He later would fuse with Airazor (another awesome Maximal) to become the all-powerful... Tigerhawk.

Tigatron is a legendary character. He is a total badass, yet also a gentleman at heart. Balanced, as most things should be. He's one of my heroes, and should be one of yours. Also, he turns into a white tiger. What's not to love about that?

Anyways, all respect to the one and only Tigatron!

Blasts the hell out of Inferno
by Darkness Prime January 26, 2023
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