11 definitions by Danimal

The state of being so intoxicated (regardless of the intoxicating agent) that all the person can do is smile, so that they look lit up like a light.
He's so lit he can't even talk. Pee.
by Danimal August 27, 2004
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Very very. Similar to extremely. Often said with a special empathasis on hutchy depending, as in "This ice cream was HUTCHY bad." It was originally coined at Carlsbad High, California.
"That ice cream was hutchy good"
by Danimal December 29, 2005
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shit, did you see that betty? serious bf.
by Danimal March 27, 2005
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With or done with publicity.
"Jig on the cover of Fortune." _Notorious B.I.G.
by Danimal May 3, 2005
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One love refers to the universal love and respect expressed by all people for all people, regardless of race, creed, or color.
Its all good. One love.
by Danimal April 3, 2004
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A guy who keeps wussing out, or, Linus' bitch in the Peanuts cartoon.
Stop being such a Sally and drink that drink.
by Danimal August 23, 2005
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Swabia or Suebia means the country where the germanic tribe of the suebes lived in roman times. The german name of this country is "Schwaben" and the family name "Schwab" or "Schwabe" means " a man from Schwaben". "Schwabe" is the high german pronounciation, "Schwab" is the pronounciation in the swabian dialect.
Schwab is bad ass!! Schwaben - working hard!! Hey what are you doing? Oh nothing I’m just Schwaben!! I need water I have been schwaben to hard!!
by Danimal March 20, 2018
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