11 definitions by DanEvans

adj. menter, mentest: The condition of being deliberately awkward, stubborn and/or unco-operative/inflexible at an inappropriate time, often governed by mood. Can also be applied to non-living objects such as computers.
Origins - possibly comes from "mean" but there's rumour that "ment" was a seventeenth century dialect word meaning "foul smelling"
A person who is difficult and unco-operative is "ment". A jobsworth is particularly ment, and so is a computer when it decides to crash right at the worst time. Even the weather can be ment: for example it rains when you plan to take the family to the seaside on your day off work.

example: "Hurry up you ment putter!"
by DanEvans April 5, 2010
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n. The reduced-to-clear shelf in a supermarket, so call as all the cheapskate old putters gather around it looking for something for nothing.
"There might be some bargains in the putter bin"
by DanEvans April 6, 2010
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v. yaffling, yaffled; to waffle in an officious, patronising and anally-retentive way. After the Bagpuss character Professor Yaffle
The boss was yaffling on about the mugs not being on saucers again! Yaffle, yaffle, yaffle! I'm sick of it!
by DanEvans April 6, 2010
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n.pl. Statutory Notices pasted on hardboard and erected on lamp columns by the local council in advance of parking restrictions/roadworks etc.
I had to put some stats up on Thornbury road for the roadworks next week
by DanEvans April 9, 2010
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