6 definitions by Damian Chamberlain

The non-compulsory final two years of secondary school, in which students usually prepare for their A-levels; often to move on to uni.
"I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life so stayed on in sixth form."
by Damian Chamberlain October 6, 2006
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The tendacy to move between masculine and feminine gender-typed behaviour depending on context, expressing a distinctly male persona and a distinctly female persona.

While an androgynous person retains the same gender-typed behaviour across situations, the bigendered person purposely changes their gender-role behaviour for the situation. It is particularly noteworthy that this concept emerged from within the transgender community rather than being adopted by the transgender community after it was created by another sub-culture (e.g. transsexual was defined first by the mental health community).
Cameron started identifying as bigender because he felt that he belonged to both sexes.
by Damian Chamberlain July 21, 2006
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One who lacks interest in or desire for romantic relationships.
I must say that she seemed rather aromantic.
by Damian Chamberlain July 11, 2006
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Teacher: Where's Bill today?
Ben: He said he was going to mitch off.
by Damian Chamberlain September 27, 2006
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Surgical removal of the penis; usually due to cancer.
In a partial penectomy, part of the penis is removed. In a total penectomy, the whole penis is removed.
by Damian Chamberlain July 28, 2006
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The religious belief that every word of the sacred texts is literally true; stereotypically in Christianity and taken to such extremes. See also: fundamentalist.
by Damian Chamberlain July 16, 2006
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