5 definitions by Dab'll Doo

No fomo basically refers to things that you are unwilling to do, no matter how much others might think you're missing out. While some people might be inclined to swim with sharks, others will feel very apprehensive (no fomo) about it.
Everyone is taking delivery routes for $18.50 an hour today. While it might be a super easy route, I'm waiting for at least $30 an hour. No fomo!!!
by Dab'll Doo May 23, 2024
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Billy's swimming with the sharks. That's okay, but it's not my thing. No fomo
by Dab'll Doo June 5, 2024
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1)A car that gets you laid.

2)Dis dick
1)Damn B, that WapWhip even got Tim laid!

2) I'm gonna bust you up with this wap whip!
by Dab'll Doo May 27, 2021
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When a woman gets horrible diarrhea from eating at a cheap Indian buffet. The actual act of the dirtiest Shalini hasn't occurred until the explosive diarrhea gets into the woman's vagina forming a horrible bacterial infection that creates more cheap Indian food.
Dude let's go to the "reincarnation buffet" to get some "dirty Shalini".
by Dab'll Doo February 25, 2020
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When a moonbeam is in the woods for several weeks drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes..
by Dab'll Doo March 12, 2022
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