Shalini is the kind of girl who will change your life... She is beautiful and has a smile that shines as brightly as the sun. She has a strong mind but a soft heart and her love for others is overflowing. Her spirit is gentle and kind and she has an unfaltering faith. There is nothing but greatness in Shalini's steps. Her words are powerful and her journey is full of great triumphs. She is strong and courageous yet she is full of grace. One of god's most precious gifts is a Shalini who will walk life with you... If you ever have the chance, tell her she is the reason you wake up in the morning and without her your life would never be the same.
She is also absolutely hilarious and NOT quiet despite what certain people think.
You- "Hey im really lonely these days.."
Shalini- "Come over to my place! we can have a sleepover"
by somerandomweirdo92 November 10, 2012
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Shalini is an awesome friend to have, never met someone like her before and you're missing out! She's a gorgeous and caring person, always full of energy and will cheer up anyone in about 4.34 minutes.
Person: Hey i was feeling down today but this girl on the bus cheered me up..
Person 2: Oh! She must be a Shalini!
by LDtheSecond October 30, 2017
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She is a synonym of love. A love that happens once in a lifetime.

She speaks of roses, see beauty in everything.

She is a God's favourite child.

You can't even think about hurting her.. she is bliss, she is Grace, she will get too much in you, that you will crave.

Hey Shalini you are the best thing ever happened.
Okay I am in love with that woman.

*Shalini herself love, it's in her nature to make people fall for her, in love*
by Tarvata chepta April 25, 2020
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A unique representation of Cosmic balance. Can adapt to multiple external environments, specifically thriving when subject to moonlight combined with high intensity audio frequencies. Quite a social character, the Shalini or Shalinius Rautelatheum can prove to be a very loyal and entertaining companion.

Disclaimer: could possibly be a werewolf, studies are yet to be confirmed.
Have you ever caught a Shalini?
"A Shalini?! Na dude, they're too quick and slinky."
by L1T February 8, 2017
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An edgy friend who likes to act mature, but loves to have fun. Most of the time, they are indian or adopted into an indian family.
"Shalini, stop saying you wanna kill me. You will never fight me."
by Memeterneter January 20, 2020
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When people assume you're vegetarian or vegan but you like meat but also just really like vegetables and curry
Isn't she vegetarian?

Nah she's more of a Shalini
by L1T February 8, 2018
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