13 definitions by CutUpRough

short for Electronic Wine Auctions - where people bid on bottles on wine offered for auction on the internet. Bidders usually sit at their computers and don't even raise a sweat.
I logged on to ewineauctions and got myself a real bargain, a dozen bottles of plonk for bugger all.
by CutUpRough February 16, 2010
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A new 'Buzz Word' used in Management Meetings that assesses the outcomes discovered when reviewing a process already undertaken, but it also reveals why the reveiw was conducted.
Once we have completed this process we'll apply the Double Back Loop and we'll be in a position to release the companies findings.
by CutUpRough May 13, 2010
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Dave "Hey Simone, who is getting up grading when the boss goes on 4 weeks leave"?

Simone, "Who do you reckon, TC1".
by CutUpRough July 14, 2010
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The axe wound found on women or an adventure play ground found right next to a sewerage outlet. It can be bald, hairy, a landing strip, trimmed and manicured. It can be smelly - like fish - taste tangy or if you are lucky, be completely neutral and delicious - you'll growl for hours if this is the case. Can also be an ini or an outi - look like a badly packed kebab or a nice sweet freshly cut mango!
Bob was at the local pub and saw a nice looking gal, he said to his mate Phil "I wouldn't mind going the growl on that vagina." meaning touging her out.
by CutUpRough January 26, 2010
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The term used for when you are in the car driving along and you spot a very tidy female with a great set of cans and an awesome rig!
Bob and Tim were cruising down the street in their V8 Mustang, Bob spotted a Schulbarl there!
by CutUpRough April 30, 2010
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Strategic Drunken Placement - The act of placing an item you need and use everyday whilst drunk, in a location and you cannot find it when your sober.
Bob - Hey honey, have you seen my cars keys?

Mary - No Bob, you SDP them last night, I haven't seen them since.

Bob - Buggered if I can find them, where could they be.....
by CutUpRough June 28, 2010
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a thong also known as a 'g' string worn by women, visible to us guys who love to sneak in a quick peek at every opportunity.
'Look at her gbanger its deluxe' yelled the horny old sailor as he saw a young lady bend over to pick her purse up off the ground.
by CutUpRough February 16, 2010
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