37 definitions by Cuntoleezza Rice

Sausage produced from pigs fed from ground-up prostitutes. This exotic food was invented by a mass murderer in Vancouver, BC, who ran an entertainment venue on his farm known as the Piggy Palace.
Hey baby, how much to take you back to the Piggy Palace and turn you into prostipork?
by Cuntoleezza Rice January 25, 2007
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A sanitary pad that contains an embedded MP3 player.
Ann Coulter loved it when her time of the month came around and she could listen to tunes on her iPad.
by Cuntoleezza Rice October 23, 2009
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A soothing mixture of cocaine and vaseline that Fred Phelps sticks up his ass before sitting on a highway cone or other large object. See Goatse.
Westboro Baptist Church pastor Fred Phelps was at a God Hates Fags rally and asked me to find him some anusthetic. Not content with a simple crucifuck or normal act of pastorbation, he had developed an urgent need to shove something very large up his poop chute.
by Cuntoleezza Rice June 3, 2008
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Having one's clam exposed in the media.
Britney left in a hurry, neglecting to put on her Magic Underwear. As she exited the limo, the paparazzi exposed her to ClaMedia, causing an epidemic of Mormon Crotch at BYU.
by Cuntoleezza Rice May 17, 2008
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A position one assumes while having sex (in any position) with a Mormon Missionary.
The young men got his bicycle and assumed a Mormon Missionary Position. He left the house with man gravy all over his chin.
by Cuntoleezza Rice May 13, 2008
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1. A foot fetishist obsessed with placing cotton balls between his partner's toes.
2. A person exploring but not yet fully committed as a foot fetishist.
3. A odd or unsightly pedicure.
The pedocurious minister's favorite scripture was from Romans 10:15 - "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
by Cuntoleezza Rice January 3, 2007
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1. An especially skilled prostitute.
2. The Catholic Church as defined by fucktard Fundamentalist Christian evangelist John Hagee
John Hagee obviously doesn’t know the difference between a great whore and a bunch of kid diddlers. Maybe he should wake up and pull the straw out of Fred Phelch’s ass.
by Cuntoleezza Rice May 18, 2008
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