37 definitions by Cuntoleezza Rice

Any of several bodily fluids taken from the Pope to make sure all is well with the Holy Father's naughty bits. Usually collected by a Vatican Manginacologist, the samples are checked for disease and and then sent to the FBI for DNA comparison in ongoing kid diddler investigations.
A Papal Smear recently sold on eBay for $135K. No one is sure just who reached under the Pope's gown and stole her grogan.
by Cuntoleezza Rice May 20, 2008
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A Fundamentalist Christian evangelist fucktard and supporter of presidential candidate John McCain. Like Baptist preacher Fred Phelch, Hagee believes hurricane Katrina was caused by God’s wrath about gays in New Orleans. Hagee also called Catholic Church the Great Whore of the Apocalypse, although we all know they’re just a fraternity of kid diddlers.
John Hagee wouldn’t know what a great whore was if he was sitting on her face.
by Cuntoleezza Rice May 18, 2008
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A female astronaut who traveled 950 miles wearing a diaper to attack the "other woman" in a love triangle.
CAPTAIN: Keep your hands off him bitch!
VICTIM: Yuck, what's that smell? You must be Captain Poopypants.
by Cuntoleezza Rice February 8, 2007
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A party planner who provides both food and sexual favors for the guests.
Q. Whio was that pimp at your party?

A. That was no pimp, that was my fornicaterer, you tardbaby. He was serving whors d'oeuvres and quiche. In addition he could also proved an excellent crucifuck or colostofuck or set you up with a skilled Abominatrix.

Everyone in his stable is carefully screened. There’s not a prostitoad in the bunch and you won’t have to hide your valuables in your prison wallet or treat them as cuntraband. You’ll remain ClaMedia-free.

Now twaddle on home and play with your cunteloupe
by Cuntoleezza Rice April 17, 2010
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A sexually frustated terrorist that nobody will fuck.
FRED PHELPS: Hey Osama! Bin Gettinany?
OSAMA BIN GETTINANY: No Fred Phelch, how 'bout a rimjob you assbreff?
by Cuntoleezza Rice May 18, 2008
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An unusually fat and ugly hooker.
Wow! You mean Miss Thing is a prostitoad? I'm surprised she can GIVE it away.
by Cuntoleezza Rice January 27, 2007
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A skidmark often found in Mormon Underwear. This is a very common phenomena, as Mormons are not allowed to remove their undies and eventually dig deep while scratching their ass.
Jacob tried to avoid leaving a Mormon Trail by placing Mormon Panty Liners in his buttcrack. Unfortunately he enjoyed the sensation a little too much and woke up one morning with Mormon Crotch.
by Cuntoleezza Rice May 16, 2008
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