43 definitions by Cornpop was a bad dude

A girl who is very tomboyish. 9 times out of 10 a girl named Lezly is a lesbian.
1. Guy1: Hey, is it alright if I bring my sister Lezly to dinner tonight?
Guy2: Is she a lesbian?
Guy1: Yes she is, wait how did you know that!
Guy2: her name is Lezly!

2. Lezly: Hi I'm Lezly.
Jim: Are you a lesbian?
Lezly: Wait how did you know that? How did you know I was a lesbian when you just met me a minute ago?
Jim: because your name is Lezly!

3. Bob: I have a friend named Lezly, she's a lesbian.
Bill: Bob, you didn't need to say she was a lesbian, it's already a given when her name is fucking Lezly!
Bob: good point
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 25, 2022
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An awful yet hilarious misspelling of the word rapper, usually found online, that can get you into a lot of trouble.
Guy1: Who is your favorite raper?
Guy2: Freddie Gibbs is pretty tough.

Freddie Gibbs is one of the best rapers out there.

Tom: Who is your favorite raper?
Jim: Raper? Probably Bill Cosby. Rapper? I dunno...maybe J Cole.
by Cornpop was a bad dude June 22, 2022
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The thing, you know, it's the thing, the thing that Sleepy Joe Biden clearly doesn't know.
Sleepy Joe: all men and muwaman were created by the, go, you know, you know, the thing!

America: yes we know "the thing", but you don't, Joe!
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 21, 2022
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Sleepy Joe Biden: the rapidly rising uh, um with uh um, in with uh, with uh, I don't know who, anyway...

Joe Biden is a real dementia patient
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 25, 2022
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1. Literally, when someone leaves their house and forgets to turn off their lights.
2. Joe Biden
John: hey, let's go across the street and drop in on Bob.
Jim: I don't think he's home right now.
John: but his lights are on
Jim: yeah, but I saw him leave a while ago, he must've forgot to turn off his lights when he left again, he does that a lot.
John: damn, I was really looking forward to having a few beers and some great conversation with him!

2. Joe Biden is literally the definition of 'the lights are on, but nobody's home.' I mean he has a brain, (or wait does he?), I mean at least I think he has a brain, but we never see it used and it doesn't work properly most of the time, he's alive and here physically but mentally he's dead and gone.
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 21, 2022
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Yet another wack rapper with no skills. Representing (or rather disgracing) Memphis, Young Dolph commands little to no respect. All of his songs are about the same things, just about how much money he has, how many bitches he fucks, how many guns he has and how many drugs he smokes. Some people say that Dolph speaks for the struggle, but all his music really does is promote cocaine use to young teens who don't know any better.
Guy1: Yo I agreed with Pete Rock when he said that Young Dolph is trash, somebody needed to say it and I'm glad he did because that nigga is straight garbage!
Guy2: Yeah, Dolph is a joke and he has no skill.
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 15, 2022
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Joe Biden: Um uh, uh you know, you know the the thing, it's just, it's just, I mean think about it, think about how we think about it, it's just, you know, you know, the rapidly rising, um uh, with um uh, um I don't know, anyway, look, look fatty, here's the deal, play the radio, or um, I mean, have the telephone on at night, I mean um uh the tv, or um uh the record player, make sure the kids hear words, but you know, covid has taken, it has taken over 100 years just since the outbreak, I mean, I mean it's just, c'mon maaaan!

Any person with a brain: this man has dementia and clearly should not be president!

Any democrat: Oh my gosh yay yay yay go Joe! That was the greatest thing I've ever heard anyone ever say about anything ever! Orange man bad!
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 25, 2022
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