36 definitions by ComputerWorld

The Griddy Man

The Griddy Man is a man who hits the griddy all day every day. He lives in GriddyTown and makes sure that everyone will hit the griddy there. Sometimes he leaves town to go to other towns to make sure they hit the griddy too. If you don't hit the griddy when he tells you to, then he might pay you a visit to your house late at night....
Bro 1: Yo this guy called The Griddy Man just sent me a text saying that if I don't hit the griddy then I will get a visit paid to me at my home tonight.

Bro 2: Bro that's the most dumb ahh stuff ever man. What can bro even do to you?

Bro 1: Well, I'm not sure. I live within 100 miles of GriddyTown so it could be serious.

Bro 2: Well it can't be that serious.

Bro 1: Hmmm, I guess you're right. Guess I'll just go to sleep now.

And later that night, Bro 1 got paid a visit by The Griddy Man and was never seen ever again...
by ComputerWorld January 15, 2024
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The tree fell down

What you want to say when you are saying that a specific tree fell down.
Tim said to his friend Jim "The tree fell down right here." and not even a few seconds later a tree had fallen down on Jim. He was fine in the end but he had to get another job because he couldn't afford to pay his medical bills to the Hospital.
by ComputerWorld February 5, 2024
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Who is the farting boy?

What you want to say when some random boy in a group farts and you want to ask whodunnit.
"Alright man, who is the farting boy? C'mon I need answers."
by ComputerWorld February 5, 2024
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Mike: Remember the rules Derek. We don't talk about Fight Club. Now get back in the ring boyo!
by ComputerWorld March 23, 2024
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The moon as it is viewed from Australia. Can be used in the Northern Hemisphere too if you are looking at the moon with a telescope that makes it look upside down.
"Yesterday, I looked at the moon with my telescope. It was really nice, but the thing that I don't like is that it appears as an Australimoon for me because of how my telescope works!"
by ComputerWorld March 29, 2024
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A phrase to say to people when they vote for politicians that everyone was warning would screw up everything when they start complaining that everything is getting screwed up.
Person 1: I can't afford anything in this economy! What am I supposed to do!

Person 2: You get what you vote for!
by ComputerWorld March 30, 2024
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A fruse statement

When you are not sure if a statement is true or false so instead of saying "A true statement." or "A false statement." you say "A fruse statement.". If you somehow cannot tell, fruse is a combination of the word true and the word false.
"Hmmm, that is quite a fruse statement you made there."
by ComputerWorld February 5, 2024
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