4 definitions by Clifford

Hey Julie I'm tired (wink) wanna take a N.A.P.?
by Clifford July 15, 2005
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Place of much shit, where children and dogs roam the streets. It also smells.
by Clifford July 12, 2003
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the art of living well, includes beauty, charm, enjoyment, sensitivity for others, sensuality and all things good.
The downtown loft came to life with julie's wekosnobomo lifestyle.
by Clifford January 22, 2005
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A two player smacking game. Players start on opposite ends of the room and approach eachother while acting like apes and making ape noises in a rythmic manner. Once next to each other the players quickly spin in circles letting gravity control their arms. The players continue spinning while saying "smackalacka-lacka-lacka..." until one player can't take it anymore. At which point a winner is crowned
by Clifford July 15, 2003
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