70 definitions by ChuckChaser69

It means "keep on doing what you do". i.e. "keep raping girls or killing dogs, or whatever".
Michael Vick: So, I got this big game coming up.

Kobe Bryant: Be epic.

Michael Vick: Yeah, we might win it. But if we don't, I'll just go home and drown a few puppies. Then I'll feel better. You be epic too, Kobe.

Kobe Bryant: I was epic last night when I slipped this girl a roofie and fucked her in the ass.

Michael Vick: High five!
by ChuckChaser69 January 10, 2011
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The jizz from masturbation that a Hipster wipes off his stomach because he has decided that intercourse is no longer 'in'. Translation: He masturbates because he can't get a date, because he doesn't know how to talk to the opposite sex, because he is a FUCKING HIPSTER.
A: So, how was it?
B: Yeah, I wasn't really into her, anyway.
A: But you were talking to her for a while, I thought.
B: (silence)
A: So, you thought your negativity would just eat away at her sense of self worth to the point where she would consider you attractive?
B: That's how it usually works.
A: Hm. Well, what now? Hipsterjism?
B: Where's my sock?
by ChuckChaser69 August 27, 2012
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A level of sweetness. Usually used to express the highest form of sweetitude.

Bret: Here, watch this. On GTA IV, I just stole a fire truck, and I'm gonna plow into this crowd of pedestrians.
Chad: (after watching afore-mentioned virtual destruction) Oooh. That's sweet like deer meat.

by ChuckChaser69 June 24, 2008
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when someone makes a face like they can't believe what just happened, or they can't believe you just said that
Guy to his friends: she asks me, so I tell her, yes, you do look fat in that dress. And gives me paul pierce face like you wouldn't believe.
by ChuckChaser69 May 27, 2012
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to indicate that one is not up on current trends by referencing (in an odd way) the names of social networking sites that you really have no experience with
So, I called Jeremy, but he was tweeting with the face space, so I told him I'd call him back later, since I didn't want to interfere with his newfangled electronic masturbation machine.

Cindy told me she was trying to contact me all day. When I told her I don't tweet with the face space, she laughed with understanding, and said she'd ring later. I told her "two longs, one short". She didn't get it.
by ChuckChaser69 March 22, 2010
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Black bars on the side of a 4x3 image on a 16x9 television. Similar to letterbox.
I hate watching old TV on my Hi-Def. Columbo needs a pillarbox. Sucks.
by ChuckChaser69 July 26, 2010
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A length of time equaling 12 days.
It's a long trip. We'll be back in a jesus week. See you next month.
by ChuckChaser69 December 21, 2009
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