17 definitions by Chris from Vancouver

The most useful way to divide the body of music created by man, is into Dire Straits, and non-Dire Straits.

Once you've learned to appreciate the subtely and refinement of Knopfler and company, every other artist pales in comparsion.

Eric Clapton has admitted an inferiority complex because of Knopfler's majestic guitar stylings.

Dire Straits: will there ever be a better band?
"Dire Straits is the only band that plays like an organic whole" -- Bob Dylan.
by Chris from Vancouver June 27, 2005
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"Yo P-dawg we gonna shank that chilly mo over in cell 301, watch for guards aight?"
by Chris from Vancouver April 30, 2014
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Not really something that a person chooses -- its just the best option available while you're waiting to become a sexually-viable human being.
Abstinence is dictated by circumstance, not choice. We all want to get laid, daily, when it comes down to it.
by Chris from Vancouver August 25, 2008
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Short for Mark Knopfler, the greatest living musician/lyricist/vocalist.

He's still the man.
Dire Straits front man was Mark Knopfler, and god did he ever rock out. Smooth as silk.
by Chris from Vancouver April 24, 2006
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Perjorative form of 'synergy', as popularized by the website defamer.com
A McDonalds and Fox News merger would be quite the example of corporate shitergy.
by Chris from Vancouver January 8, 2005
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These are articles worn by a party not at all interested in fucking. They are warning lights: stay away -- too hot. Do not touch with a 10-inch penis. Et cet er a.
"She was wearing black fuck-me pumps"

She looked hot.

"The example doesn't use the word come fuck me boots"
by Chris from Vancouver December 7, 2006
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A little less than sex, a little more than nothing.
Julia and Charles had a sad fuck together over the long weekend. They both cried before, during, and after the act -- but only in their insides!
by Chris from Vancouver August 7, 2006
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