20 definitions by Chris Zizzo

Anyone elected to office who, after demonstrating clearly that their election was a mistake, faces the prospect of defeat in the next vote in spite of the generally recognized power of the incumbency.
Now that Donald Trump has alienated all but the most radical elements of his base, it is likely he will be a Presidential one-termer.
by Chris Zizzo July 14, 2019
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Drinking Beer. Gone are the days of the church key (opener). Most beer bottles use twist-off caps for your convenience in getting to the brew without a fuss.
Just hangin' at the bar, twisting off a few long-necks, and watchin' the game.
by Chris Zizzo November 12, 2006
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Physically throwing a person under a big, smelly city bus is the perfect metaphor for the act of positioning someone to be ground up under the wheels of the ever rolling omnibus of society in your stead. The bus carries people. The people's weight is what crushes the victim. This setting up of a patsy has an earlier, more agrarian beginning in "throwing him to the wolves." Someone is going down, it's not going to be you, so you select a candidate to feed into the system.
"Throw under the bus"
Every time the president gets in trouble, he'll throw another cabinet member under the bus.
by Chris Zizzo May 20, 2006
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In any physical work environment where workers wear tool belts and occasionally remove them, this phrase is a call to arms (or to re-arm).
OK boys, break's over. Tool up!
by Chris Zizzo August 14, 2006
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Leaving one's seminal discharge on the clothing or body of another, particularly in public. The tadpole image is conjured by the swimming sperm cells.
These guys on Boston's Red Line were jacking off in crowded morning rush-hour trains and tadpoling all the women in their business clothes.
by Chris Zizzo January 30, 2008
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Bravo and Sierra are two of the military's words used to prevent misunderstandings in radio transmission. They stand for the letters B and S in the same way that Alpha means A and X-Ray means X.

Using "I call bravo sierra" is a more articulate and less crude way of saying "I call bullshit". It also can be a coded way of letting your friends know what you think while keeping the clueless out of the circle.

The phrase has been popularized by the XM Satellite radio team of Opie & Anthony.
Herbert: "I graduated Princeton with a 4.0 cumulative average."
Jimmy: "Did ya? I call bravo sierra."
by Chris Zizzo October 14, 2006
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This goes beyond deep throat and way past your tricky dick. When the entire sword has been swallowed, one manually pulls open each cheek in order to insert the two orbs, thus orally encasing the entire baby-making mechanism. The advantage for aficionados of deep penetration is that once the globes are inside, two to three more inches of manliness can be thrust forward. Just be careful not to run out of air because disengaging takes a moment and panic could ensue.
She had all my junk in and then she grabbed my ass and took me deep. The thing about a plum job like that is, if she could have forced her tongue out, she would have been rimming me at the same time!
by Chris Zizzo July 13, 2008
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