by Rkaior January 31, 2022
This activity is best shared with good friends. You have had a long shitty day, everyone pissing you off. Choose your favorite alcohol, in place of a toast you say Fuck _________ (insert offending name). Before you know it, a perfect end to a shitty day. Repeat as needed until you are happy!
It's been a bad day, let's do some fuck you shots!
by Aksenia and Noricle July 21, 2014
To fail suddenly, unexpectedly and humourously without you or other surrounding parties initially realising your mistake.
*Following a breif period of silence where it dawns on everyone what an idiot Robin has just been*
Stu: Hey man, you're an idiot, you shot a cow on that one!
Stu: Hey man, you're an idiot, you shot a cow on that one!
by RTO October 23, 2005
this is a game played with two alcoholics trying to get drunk with eachother. One person buys two shots for the two of them, then the second person buys two shots. This continues until you are sufficiently drunk or blacked out preferably
by functioning alcoholic October 1, 2011
by MeatwadATHF August 27, 2006
a compliment! said to someone who is good at something! someone thats good at basketball, some one thats good at picking up girls! someone thats good at something! originated while i was playing basketball! everyone said i sucked, then i got like 10 in a row in and someone in the crowed yelled, "YO YOU GOTS SHOTS!"
by NTP May 31, 2006