8 definitions by Chiara

a beautiful girl, guys love her..and especially kyle!!Shes a funny girl and a sweet one two!
I always wanted to be chiara!!
by Chiara April 26, 2005
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person who likes to crack very bad jokes at any time of the day.
would you stupid being such a muscatt!
by Chiara February 23, 2005
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Someone who is suspected of being a homosexual.
He wouldn't kiss her, so he's under homosuspicion.
by Chiara April 27, 2003
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When you suspect a guy of being gay.
He wouldn't kiss me, he's under homosuspicion!
by Chiara April 26, 2003
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Levi Bernhardt is a 20 years old/age shamed youtuber who's lived in the land of pizza for a year and can now sing the Italian version of let it go. He's known for his yoga cat tutorial and for always talking about poo.
But above all, he's the n1 fan of doricos locos tacos and has a fetish for eggplants.
Check him out bc he's amazing YouTube.com/levi
by Chiara February 24, 2015
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Don't say that two words..it's like cursing off God and it's real offensive for the christian people.
people use to say that when they got really angry..
by Chiara February 3, 2005
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In italian it literally refers to the ancient city of Troy, but mainly it's used to curse a female off.
Hey troia..stai lontana dal mio ragazzo!
Hey bitch..stay away from my boyfriend!
by Chiara February 3, 2005
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