13 definitions by Charlie Tang

The magical being who is responsible for all hook-ups and sexual encounters. Imagine the tooth fairy on Viagra and in a sprightly bondage outfit and you have the Booty Fairy.
Just when I thought I was going to be leaving the party alone, I was paid a timely visit by the Booty Fairy.
by Charlie Tang July 7, 2005
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A drawn out series of runny, nasty, liquidy bowel movements, usually composed more of stomach bile than fecal matter, and most often quite messy and splattery.
I had dinner at a hole in the wall Mexican place last night and the butt faucet has been running ever since.
by Charlie Tang July 7, 2005
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A bowel movement so rank, vile, and disgusting, that just the smell of it would instantly wipe out any and all life it comes in contact with, down to microscopic levels: so bad it would raise the dead from their graves, then kill them all over again. If it's possible for shit to go China Syndrome, this would be the one to do it.
Guy #1: Why was everyone running out of the restroom just now?

Guy #2: Because of me. I had a cajun sirloin and onion rings right before bed last night and it brought on a death dump this morning the likes of which God himself has never seen.
by Charlie Tang July 7, 2005
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A facial expression exhibiting shock or surprise mixed with disgust.
When Jim saw his sister getting tag teamed by his roommates, he looked like he'd been slapped in the face with a turd.
by Charlie Tang July 7, 2005
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1. Mass consumption of gas-causing foods in order to become more flatulent than another decidedly gassy individual within close proximity.

2. Threatening to consume gas-causing foods in order to become more flatulent.
1. After inhaling his roomate's farts for nearly an hour, Mike decided it was time to strike back. He rathcheted up the ass by devouring some jalepeno poppers and three large orders of Burger King onion rings.

2. Mike warned his roommate that if he didn't stop running into his room every five minutes and farting, he'd be forced to ratchet up the ass.
by Charlie Tang July 7, 2005
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Male ejaculate; a load of cum, particularly the sperm contained therein.
At precisely the right moment, Jeff pulled out to avoid dropping his landing party off in hostile territory.
by Charlie Tang July 7, 2005
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