7 definitions by Caldie

A black santa usually held in white homes.
hey look you got a homey claus!
you're such a negro lover!
by Caldie December 21, 2008
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a community college that is located in the Chicago land area. It is known as one of the largest Community Colleges in the Nation. While it is a quality community college the name has many stigmas attached to it with students in the communitys around it. For instance is is known as College Of Dreams. also known as UCLA University Closest to the Chicago land Area.
"hey Joe where are you in school at?"
"College of Dupage...(head down walking away)"
by Caldie May 2, 2008
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1. Not Giving a Fuck what your boss thinks
2. Great teacher

history of the word is based on the Teacher John Wander of Downers Grove North. His teaching style is not based on expectations of his boss but rather the expectations of his students.
"nah i pulled a Wander and told my boss to go to hell"

2."hey did you get any Wanders in your schedule?"
by Caldie May 2, 2008
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A scale of 1-10 to rate your buddies on what type of "Bro" they are
Points may be added or deducted depending on the conduct of that "bro"
for instance if a guy is rated 3 on the bro scale he is not a very good friend where if he was rated a 9 he is a close buddy that is always there for you.

"Bro-Scale" may also be called when a guy acts not in a "Bro" manner. This can be said to him to let him know that he is losing points on the bro scale
Guy 1: you ready to get wasted tonite?
Guy 2:Nah I think im gonna stay in with my Girlfriend and watch the note book.
Guy 1: Bro-scale...
by Caldie February 17, 2009
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A scale of 1-10 to rate your buddies on what type of "Bro" they are
Points may be added or deducted depending on the conduct of that "bro"
for instance if a guy is rated 3 on the bro scale he is not a very good friend where if he was rated a 9 he is a close buddy that is always there for you.

"Bro-Scale" may also be called when a guy acts not in a "Bro" manner. This can be said to him to let him know that he is losing points on the bro scale
Guy 1: you ready to get wasted tonite?
Guy 2:Nah I think im gonna stay in with my Girlfriend and watch the note book.
Guy 1: Broscale...
by Caldie February 17, 2009
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Typically used in the Gang community. to initiate a new member they kick their ass for a pre determined amount of time.
"all little carlos has to do to be member is to survive the Jumping in"
by Caldie May 2, 2008
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The Girls of Sigma Sigma Sigma who are known as Pigma Pigma Pigma
Frat Guy 1:FML were having an exchange with the Tri Pigs

by Caldie February 17, 2009
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