18 definitions by Cait

a shorter version of mother Fcuker
Shut up you Mo!
by Cait March 15, 2004
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Wen ur seriously pissed, out of ya face
Also c gatta
Lets get gattered tonight
by Cait July 22, 2004
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1.) Someone who is new and asked a bunch of gay questions.
Alex: What is your OS? (Operating System)
Matt: MY OS is Microsoft Netscape Explorer!
Alex: OMFG you are such a N00ber *kicks matt*
by Cait May 6, 2004
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A state of inhebriation derived from 2 or more drugs, typically including alcohol.
Yo, I am smacktarded.
by Cait November 23, 2004
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Modeliser's r dem fukin knobs who only go 4 models, which is kinda ironic because most of these people are ugly fukers and r livin in a complete fantasy world.
Girl: Hi u wana go out sometime?
Modeliser: Nah i only date models
Girls: Fuck u, u cock munchin, pussy likin, son of a bitch!!!
by Cait July 22, 2004
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Gatta means alcohol of som sort, also can be spelt gatter
by Cait July 22, 2004
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one the few guys who look really really hot in thier 40s and an awesome actor in all of his movies including "once upon a time in mexico" which is one of the best movies ever made.
Jack John Cristopher Depp is clearly an actor i am obsessed with if i know his full name.
by Cait June 9, 2004
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