46 definitions by CDS

Someone who just lost a hand (usually in poker) and will bemoan about it to anyone who listens online.

Most of the time, the listeners do not give a shit about the other person's bad beat.

See bad beat
Noob at poker: My 2-7 offsuit lost to AA when the flop came 2-7-9. The turn was a 9!! HOW LUCKY CAN HE GET?

Good person at poker: Like I care.
by CDS April 18, 2005
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When you say yessums, you mean "yes"
by CDS January 18, 2004
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Term used for card games. The act of changing your deck around to counter the majority of decks in the local tournament area.
The metagame in my area seems to battle against my type of deck.
by CDS February 18, 2003
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inj. A remark that expresses disbelief toward something.
v. Like owned, except more universal and doesn't make you look like a noob when you say it. Can be applied to anything you want.
inj. Kevin: Man I just dropped all my cigarettes. James: Whored.

v. Michael Jordan whored all his competition. I just got whored by an ace on the river.
by CDS April 1, 2006
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The movie that inspired Cole Hutto to run back to North Carolina and finished unfinished business.
by CDS January 18, 2004
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The part of a downloaded mp3 where it fucks up and sounds like a cat scratching a chalkboard. It's even worse when you have the music really loud. And it's even worse than that when you somehow accidentally burn it on a CD.
Fuck the RIAA those dumb idiots, they put another landmine in this mp3!
by CDS February 5, 2004
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