10 definitions by CA3B20A3G

Homo-Beast-Ual. Homo meaning "the same", Beast meaning a species of some kind & Ual is what finishes the word off to make it sound good. Homobeastual is a creature (human, horse, sheep, any animal etc...) who likes the same creature as them.
I could never understand why Mr.Smith always liked rooting horses. Must be because I'm a homobeastual
by CA3B20A3G May 29, 2008
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1. A song by rapper Mims, I'll let that definition explain why hip-hop is now dead

2. A advertisement quite often seen on this site.
1. This is why I'm hot, This is why I'm hot, This is why, This is why, This is why I'm hot. (I won't tell you why though)

2. This is why I'm hot (earth with sad boiling face & thermostat sticking out of it)
by CA3B20A3G October 7, 2007
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The most stupidest idiotic question you could ask someone, because you 1) Asked if you "can" when you just did, 2) because you just asked a question asking if you could ask a question & 3) cause you are stupid
Dude1: Can I ask you a question?

Dude2: Shut your face
by CA3B20A3G September 18, 2007
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Short ford "How did"
howd those white stains get there?
by CA3B20A3G September 30, 2007
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1. A female that is attractive in every way

2. Someone who is feeling good about them selves

3. Someone who is feeling shit about them selves

4. Something good

5. Something you sometimes get from the police when you do something illegal, when in fact, it's not fine at all (except for the government)
1. Damn she fine!

2. Dude: How are ya?
Girl: I'm fine

3. Dude: How are ya?
Girl: I'm fine

4. That's fine!

5. Damn I just go a fine from the pigs for urinating in public
by CA3B20A3G September 18, 2007
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The :) being a smiley face. The following )'s represent chins
z0mG i thought I met this h0t chick in the internets, so we met up irl and (s)he was so fat n uglay! like peter griffin :)))) !!1!!1
by CA3B20A3G August 14, 2007
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Kanye West's white twin brother, separated from birth & lives on the east side
lolz dude you see that kanye east wigger?

yeah aye boi hes whack
by CA3B20A3G October 1, 2007
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