7 definitions by Butters my Butthole™


Fregley is a character in diary of a wimpy kid, he is also a nuclear terrorist, he kamikazes into a building in the fourth book, causing his death.
My favorite part of diary of a wimpy kid is when Fregley nukes North Korea because Trump was to much of a pussy to do it himself.
by Butters my Butthole™ April 9, 2020
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the jerma curse

A curse sometimes incurred by content creators (most notably Jerma) in which they go viral often but no one recognizes them, popular Jerma examples include The small enemy spider, the giant enemy spider, peep the horror, when the impostor is sus, etc.
Bro got the Jerma curse 💀💀💀
by Butters my Butthole™ February 17, 2022
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A really hardcore succ that make you feel like you in another dimension
She told me it was her first time, but she gave me The twirly double mchurricane washing machine cartwheel pully wully oopsie woopsie superwoman into the next world succ
by Butters my Butthole™ October 28, 2018
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the effect of certain things that states that something slaps when there isn't someone in your ear saying it's ass
"little caesers goes hard as shit when there isn't someone in your ear sayin its trash"
"thats the little caesers effect"
by Butters my Butthole™ June 25, 2021
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When they so dummy thicc, you cant contain it in just thicc or THICC
She is fuckin T H I C C
by Butters my Butthole™ September 17, 2019
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A popular meme made from the advertisement for the lego city emergency collection sets.
A man has fallen into the river in LEGO City! Start the new rescue helicopter! HEY! Build the helicopter, and off to the rescue! Prepare the lifeline, lower the stretcher, and make the rescue! The new emergency collection from LEGO®️ City.
by Butters my Butthole™ February 8, 2020
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