11 definitions by Booga

the boys were getting a little out of hand, so I slapped them with my purple helmet warrior!
by Booga November 11, 2003
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The abbreviation of “shithead”, in a politer form to use around children and vulnerable aunties.
I hear that Brian kid has been bullying kids at school again”
“Yes. He’s a right horrible little Shed”
by Booga March 2, 2019
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The greatest, most totally awesome guy ever. Singer of such great songs as "Let's make believe that we're in love (so I can break up with you)" and "You've got an ugly butt and a stupid butt"
Oh no...it's-a Stwong-Baaaaaaadddd!
by Booga December 15, 2003
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Limozeen also released the totally awesome song "nite mamas" on the Strong Bad CD
by Booga December 15, 2003
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Chilling in the best way possible
"I'm just maxin, relaxin, it aint too taxin!"
by Booga December 15, 2003
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A word used to describe the sound of collision, similar to "KA-BLAM" and "THWOCK" as used in Batman fight sequences.
I couldn't slow down in my car and.....BOSH! I hit the car in front.
by Booga December 15, 2003
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abbreviated name for the car known as a Nissan Bluebird.
Often used in banger racing.
Booga blew up his 2 litre bluey
by Booga December 15, 2003
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