17 definitions by Bobert

One who is an annoying bitch that has no balls.
Icedog90 is a panzy.
by Bobert February 16, 2004
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Someone who does drugs all day long that touches themselves while taking it.
by Bobert May 19, 2006
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Crazy bastard who gets all the ladies.
Holy shit! Look at LeVan! He gets all the ladies!
by Bobert October 27, 2003
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To be the number one douche in a group of douches. To show extreme features of douchism; thus necessitating a higher position in the name calling.
Guy 1: Do you know what i love? soap operas, the movie 'open water,' and trucker hats.
Guy 2: dude, you are the mayor of douchebagville
by Bobert December 20, 2004
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gl hf no bs - good luck, have fun, no backstabs
by Bobert April 20, 2003
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