1101 definitions by Bob

A large ,highly intelligent rodent which lives in urban India.Characterised by its red eyes and devilish eyes,it enjoys gnawing on high school text-books ,particularly Physics ones.
Look ,Its a chessy !

Stop behaving like a chessy and EARN your grades child !
by Bob March 15, 2005
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see Wal-Mart.

I would leave this definition at that, but apparently I cannot. That sucks.

Um, yah, we live in it.
You can buy a bunch of cheap shit at Wal-Mart that was made by abused, underpaid, and helpless Chinese children. Wee, let's go!
by Bob April 23, 2005
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a car that cost maybe $450 on eBay, which some retard did up with "speed mods" which cost more than the actual car.
Massive "supra" spoiler
NOS sticker (no NOS though)
by Bob January 19, 2004
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1. An incline
2. required on all public buildings by the federal government
3. a play thing
4. a tool used to attain "air" by skateboarders
5. blah?
"dude i just got major air off that ramp, your mom!!!"
by Bob February 9, 2004
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Annoying twats that have no balls and they wear skin tight clothes and baseball caps that point vertical, they are such cowards that they have to move in groups of 10 to 1.There is rarely a really hard ruder.
"Yeh mate if u touch ma mate ill get all rudes on ya yer mate yer mate yer.
by Bob September 10, 2003
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1. a thong
2. the act of wearing a thong
3. the act of seeing someone's thong (with pants on)
1. I'm wearing a shor.
2. I'm shoring.
3. I shored her from across the room!
by Bob November 30, 2003
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