6 definitions by Bob Jr.

(1) name for a moronic policeman. Also captain horse's ass or officer horse's ass.
(2) refers to silly ass movie and cartoon character also known as inspector gadget
by Bob Jr. October 27, 2003
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Refers to McDonalds
Also Micky D's ~ Dicky M's
by Bob Jr. October 25, 2003
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To frantically and intoxicatedly make your way to work, or other commitments, after partying too hard the night before and oversleeping, skipping your normal morning routine.
P1> (arrives at work)
P2> You're late again. And you look like hell.
P1> I know. I woke up 5 minutes ago. Pulled a batman express this morning.
by Bob Jr. October 25, 2003
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A lid used on plastic or paper beverage cups - the cheap throwaway ones like from fast food restaurants. Farlers usually have a perforation or hole of some sort for inserting a straw.
I knocked over the soda but it didn't spill much. Good thing the farler was on securely.
by Bob Jr. October 25, 2003
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A turd which is not noticed when encountered, but presents evidence of its existence at a later time.
P1> Damn, What the hell is that stink?
P2> I think it's my backpack. I must have set it down on a sleeping turd when we were at the park.
by Bob Jr. October 25, 2003
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to become sudddenly very emotional - surprised, angry etc.
to have an ass attack = to flip out
by Bob Jr. October 24, 2003
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