13 definitions by Blah. It's a person

1.A letter from the English alphabet
2.A shortened version of oh
1. Person 1: Please sing with me! a b c d e f g h i j k l o ....
2. Person 2: Look at this!

Person 3 and 4: looks*

Person 2: isn't it amazing?

Person 3:N o

Person 4: O I thought you meant something else!

Person 2: What is it?

Person 4: Person 1 in nature

Person 2:W T F
by Blah. It's a person May 6, 2020
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When you are really really bored that you start to type all the symbols with the shift key, starting with the numbers to the last symbol, the one next to the shift key.
Person 1: Heya
Person 2: Hi
Person 1: I'm bored
Person 2:Well type something
Person 1: types !@#$%^&*()_+|{}:"<>?
Person 2: I think you need help.
Person 1: Nah
Person 2: Okay
Kay: Wut?
by Blah. It's a person April 27, 2020
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A place where you tortured to sing or play an instrument. You have to stand up straight, and when your group isn't up, most people do fun activities. This is until the teacher catches you.
I slept in music class.
by Blah. It's a person June 7, 2020
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A thing that warns you about something. Usually a sign or in some sort of speech, but can be other things too.
WARNING: Do you want to go on.
Player 1:OF COURSE!
Person 2:Yeah..
by Blah. It's a person June 10, 2020
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A sound you do when you get hurt.

Another word: ow
Person 1:Gets hit by Person 2*
Person 2:Whoops.
Person 1:Bruh that hurts.
Person 2:Ouch then.
by Blah. It's a person June 10, 2020
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Oops! You misspelled you 6 times.
P1: yuyuyuyuyuyuy traitor
P2: You mean youyouyouyouyouyou right?
P1: yes
by Blah. It's a person April 7, 2020
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