164 definitions by Blah

Some wierd ass word made up by a crazy nanny who was looking after some children. FBI investigators are searching for her now under criminal charges of trying to drive these poor children insane.
by Blah December 28, 2005
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The best screamo band on the face of the earth. They have two CDs, their self-titled CD and In Love And Death.
The Used are amazing in concert.
by Blah February 12, 2005
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The bomber that dropped the first two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945, respectively. Ended the second world war. "Enola" backwards is "alone," which means "alone gay" or "alone happy."
The enola gay is a pretty gay name.
by Blah March 8, 2004
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some "rally" car with unbearable turbo lag. usually comes with 4 wheels and made to run on "dirt". Well equiped to handle road conditions when you suddenly find yourself out of ROAD. Do not fear potential drivers! If you happen to be so incompetent as to drive you fucking car off the damn road, this evo will be perfectly suitable for your driving needs. If you happen to be a normal driver, buy yourself a honda and stay on the fucking road.

"My evo own camero bitches on the drag strip. Eat my dust NASCAR!"
by Blah January 2, 2005
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a whimpy kid who never got dome
nobody likes kratchwell enough to give him dome
by Blah March 22, 2005
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to be used to replace "what's up" or "sup"
Jib:Hey hey
Jib:What's chillin?
Tob:Nothin man, how bout you?
Jib:Ye man.
by Blah December 10, 2004
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means to be confused, think something else to what the person is actually saying
"i'm gay"
"haha homosexual"
"no i'm happy i mean"

that would be getting "wires crossed"
by Blah March 7, 2005
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