30 definitions by Big daddy

A group of hoes taking their hands and moving them in a back & forth motion. As if you are brushing something off of your shoulder.
Wipe a pimp down and give me my money bey-atttch...
by Big daddy April 9, 2003
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A group of the worst random mother fuckers around
yeh man i got hit by the wK like 3 times last week
by Big daddy October 3, 2004
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A word to describe the drunkenness of young adults of the sydney region. A word created by the 'Big Daddy' himself.
"Rez, lets get ickles tonight"

by Big daddy April 4, 2013
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Todd: I thought you were going to the game
Chris: I was but what had happen was
Todd: <Interrupting Chris> Man E.A.D.
by Big daddy April 9, 2003
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See that guy? What a blivot.
Yer mother is a blivot, like you.
by Big daddy April 26, 2004
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A hindu with extreme desires of being fucked in the ass with a paki lund
by Big daddy November 3, 2003
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a grand-mother, a matriarchal figure that takes care of and runs the family, watching after the little ones.
yo, my momma was arrested again, so i gots to stay with my big momma
by Big daddy January 20, 2005
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